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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Operation Suikoden Rescue: Success!

I found it! Oh yes, I have found the Suikoden V PlayStation 2 disc that I discovered to be missing last night! I mentioned in the update note in the wee hours of the morning after my initial search that I began to worry about the whole situation. Well, when I finally got time to continue on my search today, I sat down to analyze the situation more thoughtfully. I could vaguely recall trying to play the game again when I moved to my current residence so I concluded that if the game disc could not be found in any of the PS2 game cases that I had accessed over these past 3+ years, it must be in one of my PlayStation 3 game cases because those would be laying around the room for me to manipulate and use as temporary places to store wayward game discs. So I checked about 3-4 PS2 game cases and when the disc was not there, I started immediately on the PS3 game cases. Just as I was going through the first row of PS3 games, a disc plopped to the left side, thankfully undamaged, when I opened the case for Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2! It was a delicious moment of immediate relief:

It felt good... Like really, really good!

Now that I have found the game disc, expect to see me playing it on my twitch.tv channel. I plan to do a play-through of the game, which is of course further fueled by the adventure that I just went through to reclaim the game! I want to use PCSX2 to play the game again with improved graphics. But if the performance of that program is poor, I may just use my PS2 console to do the job.

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