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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, July 11, 2013

It's Steam Summer Sale 2013 Time!

The Steam Summer Sale is here! Get ready to become poor and kill off your wallet without giving it a chance to resuscitate because you know that the next 10 days are going to get dirty crazy in here... Like that $4.99 Scribblenauts Unlimited - it will never get that low on the Wii U that's for sure! You got to love digital distribution, specifically Steam for being able to offer games at crazy prices while still fueling all that cash to the developers because they don't have to produce anything physical that would cost money to make. It's really stupid for the PlayStation 4 and the X-Box One to cater to physical disc nuts. I sure hope they'll enjoy the lack of printed game manuals because you know the developers will have to cut some cost to make some money - they are already doing that now. But who cares about those people, the ones who understand Steam get to enjoy the high evolution of gaming and get our bank accounts in some serious, potentially unrecoverable jeopardy several times throughout the year!

10:00am - 10:14am

10:15am! Delicious.

10:16am - periodically. Too many people going Steam crazy!

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