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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Latest Mortal Kombat on Freaking Steam?

I was just happily playing League of Legends on the Personal Computer this morning until I noticed that it was passed 10am, which meant that it was time to check out the daily Steam deal. What I saw on the main page almost sent me into a nasty state of permanent comatose:

Really? I didn't see this coming at all.

I already have this game on the PlayStation 3 and right now, I surely wish I never bought it. Sure, I didn't pay the full price for the game when I did pick it up for that console but I did pay quite a bit to get all the downloadable contents. I want this game on the PC. Just the thought of playing it on the PC makes me feel all yummy and gooey inside. Yes, I will eventually get this... But more importantly, this further strengthens my conviction about abandoning both the upcoming PlayStation 4 and the X-Box One thoroughly and completely. I will just stick to my PC and the Wii U as well as all the consoles I already have. The game is a fully-featured Steampowered release as well which means the publisher Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment sees a lot of value in the Steam distribution channel as they continue to release more and more games here. I am truly loving this release and it deserves all of our support, especially since early reports indicated that the game is running flawlessly.

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