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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, July 27, 2013

More PS4 Units? Ewww...

I got a nasty email from GameStop today telling me that they will have more PlayStation 4 units available for pre-order. As you may already know, I do not have any interest in the PS4 whatsoever. Neither do I have any interest in the X-Box One. I find one thing very curious though about the upcoming launch of both of these consoles: It is very obvious that both Microsoft and Sony are making a lot of units available for pre-order versus how things were handled in the past. My personal take on this is that they are pushing a lot more launch consoles out to gauge people's interest from the pre-order numbers and they want to convince more people to commit to buy the systems knowing that those new systems are pretty much a joke compared to what we already have now. There is no reason why the PlayStation 3 and the X-Box 360 should be replaced, it's all unnecessary. There is no reason for Sony to start charging for online multiplayer. The console gaming industry to me is just not very attractive anymore and it's going downhill. My prediction is that it would be easy to get these consoles during launch so for those who missed out on the pre-order, don't worry. Papa Microsoft and Mama Sony will make sure that they have enough consoles for everyone so that they could make some money from their foul endeavors.

It's time to stop those automatic GameStop emails to come to my mailbox.

Oh look, a multi-platform title but wait! Surely you want the PS4 version because...
IT HAS TOUCHSCREEN GAMEPLAY! I laughed so hard I almost farted out my dinner.

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