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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Cataclysm Impact

Now that I am on my third day returning to World of Warcraft, I am beginning to feel unsure about a longer stay. It's not because the experience has been bad either. For the first time ever, I have now seen the difference that the Cataclysm expansion has brought to the game, specifically the environmental changes that has wrought Azeroth and with them, the restructured content of the impacted areas. Instead of trying to level up my high level characters, I have decided to create a new one. I have made a Tauren Paladin, which is of course a new race/class combination introduced by Cataclysm. The starting area has a combination of new and old quests that concluded in a real time event, the like that I have only seen before in Northern from the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. Then, when I left for Ogrimmar, I was astounded by how great the place look now. The structures have been given more details and right outside of the Orc fortress, exciting new quests awaited my Paladin. The experience feels new and my excitement level went up.

It helps that WoW still has some of the best looking armor pieces in the genre.

So everything may sound hunky-dory but there is still a dark cloud looming over my head that keeps reminding me that perhaps I will not have the luxury of time to enjoy this game plus the other games that I now have and those that I would like to play in the future. It is possible however to just reserve a daily time slot for some WoW and be disciplined enough to follow a set schedule. The other thing that I was thinking of is that subscribing to WoW may actually help me with my game price sweet spot because it would make the wait for a price drop a lot more bearable since I would be playing something else that I am heavily invested in. But then again the same could be said about League of Legends. But with WoW, perhaps I could even say no to the spouse wanting to get me full priced games and have the effect of the savings expanded. So there are pros and cons to getting back on WoW and I have about 4 more days left to do some heavy duty soul searching.

1 comment:

Chalgyr said...

Good luck - I sold shortly before Cataclysm rolled out, and I have to admit that the idea of coming back to a 'blown up' world that would feel fresh and new might be interesting to me. When you invest in a game for so many years, even on and off, you feel like there's some significant history there.

I've thought about doing a 'rebuild' of my MUD dozens of times (before laziness discourages me). I don't think I could let myself get sucked back in again though - but I wish you luck in your decision