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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Going Green Doesn't Have to Be Boring

I received my copy of Kid Icarus: Uprising for the Nintendo 3DS last night and I was surprised that the game came bundled with the stand. I haven't tried out the game yet so I can't say whether it would be necessary to play the game with it but despite the elevation it gives the 3DS while sitting on it, I really do prefer the way the system looks sitting in its charging cradle.

It's really a basic stand that has no mechanism to lock the 3DS firmly in place.

Now the game case itself however is quite special. You know how game cases these days are going eco-friendly with multiple gaps inside of it to minimize the use of plastic in its construction? I know a lot of people don't like this because it does make the cases a lot more flimsy than before. I don't mind it because I am very careful with the way that I handle my video games and it also helps that I am just ready to embrace a full digital distribution solution for gaming. Well, Nintendo has found a clever use for them by strategically placing the characters' faces on the back of the game cover so that they would be peering out of the holes. Out of the 6 3DS games I have, Kid Icarus: Uprising is the only game case that showcases this! I really hope to see more of this kind of detail in future 3Ds game cases. I mean, it couldn't be that hard to accomplish, right?

That almost makes up for Nintendo's recent decrease in intstruction manual thickness.

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