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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, April 13, 2012

Aion: Ascended

It has been two days since I started playing Aion: Ascension on the Personal Computer and I want to just do a quick report in regards to the game's "Truly Free" design. I have reached level 7 so far and there has not been any indication of any kind of gameplay limitation that I would have already encountered in your standard supposedly "free to play" massively multiplayer online role playing game. I would have noticed inventory shortage and dual currency in the in-game store by now, but I have not... yet. There is a cash shop icon that is accessible from the game's user interface that will take you to the "Black Cloud Marketplace" and the good news here is that a lot of the things on sale are definitely optional, like costumes and experience boosters. Sadly, there are a few questionable things on there like items that reduce the cooldown of what looks to be access to dungeons or instances as well as potions that will provide players with health points regeneration or increased critical chances. The latter may prove to be damaging to the balance of the gameplay since this game does have a heavy player versus player focus to it via the game's two warring factions. I will continue to play the game however, I am enjoying it so far, so that I can make a conclusive determination about the game's "Truly Free" claim.

It always help to see pretty vistas while you are out there questing.

It's all about the wings and you can buy a super large vanity pair from the cash shop.
Oh and Hagen, abstinence is not something you that should strive for.

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