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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Project Wall Shelves Go!

It's something that I have always wanted to do for a long time and thanks to that recent trip to IKEA earlier during the week, I can now journey into the unexplored frontier of storage solution and accessible display of wall shelving. After a much delayed start to the installation process - having the right tools help - I finally got one of the four shelves up on my wall:

You know you have too many games when you start installing wall shelves.

I plan to get all of the shelves up by the end of the day. Though I like the prospect that wall shelving can provide to my gaming space in the future - if I free up those walls of the game posters, I can put more of these babies up - but I just hope that the console gaming industry will embrace the all digital download distribution soon. I do have a feeling that we have to wait two generations for that to happen because of how stubborn our typical console gamers brethren are when it comes to embracing change. The PlayStation Vita, for example is an ugly, fat, and non-lubricated middle finger to digital distribution. Thankfully, a majority of my personal gaming inductions these days are for the Personal Computer so these 4 shelves should last me for a good while.


Unknown said...

What was the name of the shelves you got?

Loner Gamer said...

I can't recall at this point, sorry, but I can say that it was the only one that looks like that being sold at that IKEA.