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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, April 16, 2012

DOTA 2: Team Up with Bots!

I just discovered something extremely cool today while playing the DOTA 2 Beta for the Personal Computer. After a co-op match with some rather impolite teammates, I went to create a personal lobby and started messing around with the options. I didn't know that you could actually play this game exclusively with the bots! That's right, you can actually have bot teammates! Now, no longer will I ever have to deal with nasty people while I am getting myself familiar with the game. There are multiple difficulties for the bots too with "Unfair" being the most challenging. I have made a note about the game's bots before in last month's gaming analysis, that they are far superior and a lot more intelligent compared to those found in League of Legends so playing the game this way should remain engaging and fun for me. Besides being merciless, there is another wonderful thing about the game's bots. Those that play with you actually communicate with you! The first time a group chat message came up during my co-op with bots match, I thought somehow another player managed to join the game until I realized that it was a bot telling me that he wanted to ambush a hero from the opposing team. Yes, these bots constantly communicate to you their intents, like roaming the map, defending, or hunting down a target. It was quite remarkable. Sure, these bots have their quirks - like they don't warn you when heroes are missing from the lanes - but I rather my time having fun with them than a rude player any day of the week.

It's a one way communication but it's still an impressive bot programming.

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