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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Project Wall Shelves is Over!

The four wall shelves are finally up where they belong! I really thought that I was going to get everything done yesterday but I got caught up doing too much gaming instead. I am very satisfied with the way that they look on the wall:

My right wrist hurts really bad. Putting these up was harder than waggling the Wii-mote.

Now that the wall shelves are ready to be used, I discovered that I don't have enough gaming items to place on them! I shouldn't be surprised however because I got the extra shelves to last me another year of physical games for the consoles with the top horizontal shelf reserved for my Nintendo 3DS games. To make the shelves look functional, I placed some of the games from the Game Treasury on them to help fill up some of the empty slots:

It's always great to have more storage space for my games.


Chalgyr said...

That looks really good. But about those empty spaces... sounds like you need to go buy some stuff! :)

Loner Gamer said...

Thanks! Actually, there is something about an empty shelf space that makes you want to spend... But I will project that temptation towards the Steam store hehe.