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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Zombie Apocalypse Guest Star, Leona?

I don't dream as often as I would like to when I sleep but when they do happen, they are most often quite fascinating. Recently however, I have been having a surge of zombie apocalypse nightmares. Not sure of the reason behind it because I haven't been playing any horror games and I don't even watch that popular The Walking Dead show - the spouse really loves that show though and finds it hard to believe that I rather be playing League of Legends than watching it. Last night's subconscious adventure was the third in a series of nightmares over the past week but what made this one a worthwhile mention was involvement of this particular video game character:

When you are this beautiful, you know you will leave marks in a person's mind.

Yes, Leona from the incredibly addictive game, League of Legends for the Personal Computer actually made an appearance in my zombie nightmare. Now, she didn't actually show up to defend me from hordes of the undead nor did she actually showcase any of her abilities to good use. She was just there as a fellow survivor, which was actually rather surprising. I don't remember seeing her carrying the sword nor that epic shield but she was definitely in her full battle regalia. Since the mood of the nightmare was quite dire, the realistic portrayal of Leona fit the entire scheme rather well. At one point, Leona assisted the group in searching through the rubbles and debris of an old building looking for a cat for one of the survivors - don't ask me why, it had something to do with our survival apparently. I do play a whole lot of LoL as you can gather from my monthly gaming analyses but it had never invaded my dreams before when they really should. I did play about 3 games with Leona yesterday and was having a real blast with her but little did I know that the play session was more meaningful than I thought. I wonder why I never had a dream with Soraka in it since I mainly play her. Oh wait, I know... Her in-game character model is rather horrid. Even her color scheme in-game is wrong... Please make her prettier Riot Games!

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