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Monday, April 16, 2012

Not Deleting It This Time Around...

My "Scroll of Resurrection" free week pass for World of Warcraft has ended over the weekend and though things started off strong when I first got back in, I didn't even play the game for more than three days. This should not be viewed as a negative reflection of the game however. WoW is a magnificent game, and the content overhaul I found in Cataclysm was quite engaging. It's just that the game has simply been bested value-wise.

Yes, we may, in a very distant future.

When I heard that Aion ended their subscription program to adopt a free to play model of business via the Ascension update, I was intrigued, mostly because they wanted to make the game "Truly Free". Though the limit of that has yet to be tested, I am currently at level 10 and I have visited my first major city in the game and thus far, everything has been free and there was no sign of necessary purchases to lift any kind of limitations. I also have to think of things this way: If things work out with Aion, I know that I can always have access to my characters at any time and that my investment of time and efforts will be worthwhile because I will not lose access to those characters like I would with WoW if I decided to stop paying my monthly fee. That is a huge plus, especially the fact that Aion is really starting to grow on me. WoW may still offer the best massively multiplayer online role playing game experience out there but Aion is not horrible and the fact that it's free makes it a solid alternative. With Diablo III arriving soon, I think that it is smart to just stick with something that I don't have to pay for because I know that I would be playing more Diablo III than WoW when that time comes and it would have been a waste of WoW subscription time.

Celebrating a new life in a new world.

I have learned my lesson from the past however: I will not be deleting WoW from my hard drive this time around. You never know what the future holds so I will let the game sit there for a while. Then again, since reinstalling it was less painful with Blizzard's new client, perhaps it wouldn't be too big of a deal to just purge the game out of my system...


Chalgyr said...

Reading about your adventures with Aion has been interesting so far. I too deleted WoW back when I quit playing - but back then I needed the HD space badly as I only had a 60 gb drive that was very full. Now? my TB drive has room to spare, but I doubt I'll be getting back into WoW again. Thanks for the posts - I've enjoyed 'em

Loner Gamer said...

Glad that you've enjoyed the posts. Those were the days eh, when hard drive space was only measured in GB?

Chalgyr said...

LOL - reminds me of the first CPU I bought after meeting my wife. She still loves telling people about the guy who built it for us, and how we would 'never use all of the 500 mb of storage' we were buying (sort of gives you an idea of how long her and I have been together, eh? Coming up on 15 years this fall...) lol

Loner Gamer said...

15 years is a long time :) Congrats! 500mb... Yeah, that will get used up in less than an hour these days.