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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pirates Really?

Today's release of Risen 2: Dark Waters by Piranha Bytes on Steam for the Personal Computer made me wonder: Aren't we a little bit tired of the whole pirate thing by now? When it comes to medieval fantasy games, you mostly find yourself playing a knight/templar, a wizard/sorcerer, or the least pleasant of the variety, a pirate. Why can't we get something a little bit fresh like perhaps an evil jester or a pregnant castle maid? How about a midwife mistaken for a witch or maybe a vile executioner out to hunt supposed amoral criminals? But yes, no thanks. I wouldn't want to play as a priest who is tasked to bring "god's enlightenment" into the world - these kind of activities should never be encouraged. But it seems like developers do like to stick with the familiar territories. Risen 2 does look rather interesting so I may have to check it out sometime soon. The first game was rather entertaining so I hope that this one can be the same despite the whole pirate vibe it has going on.

Pirates this, pirates that. A pirate's life cannot be that exciting...


Chalgyr said...

For once, I'm not quite in agreement with you. :P But I really wasn't a fan of the first game - it's the first RPG in a long time I just never bothered to beat. I sunk about 25 hours into it, I just wasn't having much fun for a variety of reasons.

I think the pirate theme is okay - it's different enough from some of the more tried and true tropes out there you mentioned. And thankfully it's not a zombie or vampire game, so it should get credit for that. :)

Loner Gamer said...

I blame all of those Pirates of the Carribean movies that provided too much pirate action overdose that one could ever stomach in a lifetime and it bleeds over to all aspects of a person's life. Way to go Johnny Depp.

Chalgyr said...


Now that I can understand (however, my wife would not agree as she lusts Johnny Depp). Hope you have yourself a good weekend! Take it easy Loner. :D

Loner Gamer said...

Thanks, you too.