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Saturday, April 28, 2012

SSFIV Alternate Costume Fun

Ever since I unlocked the "All-In Costume Pack" for Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition on my Personal Computer in August of last year, I have only seen several of these extra costumes myself. All that mattered to me back then was getting Rose to look beautiful but since I haven't been that active with the game, I haven't explored all the other alternate looks of the game's big selections of characters though I did play a lot of Chun Li since she is one of my top favorites. I have been back on my SSFIV:AE groove recently so I am making an effort to check out these costumes. Though I haven't gotten through the entire roster, I must say that Rufus' Chinese zombie attire, complete with the scroll over his face, is the best one yet for it looks a lot cooler than his default outfit:

The best way to describe Rufus in that silly getup.

It is sad to say however that the majority of the alternate looks I have seen are not all that great. Even Rufus' other two looks are pretty darn ugly. I just don't understand why the artists responsible in the creation of these alternate costumes didn't go all the way and just make everything over the top. The worst that I have seen is definitely this one for Cody. I sure hope that the other 70% of the costumes I still haven't seen are not this boring:

I'd yawn too if I looked that pedestrian...


Chalgyr said...

I've never really been much of a costume pack person myself. I like looking at them when they release, but very seldom do new skins interest me - I find myself generally liking the original ones best.

Loner Gamer said...

Alternate costumes should be a standard for fighting games because they bring variety and much festivity to the occassion. They should be free however. I like Namco Bandai's take on alternate costumes with their recent 3D fighters where you can customize different parts of the characters' bodies to achieve some truly striking look. We can thank Sega for starting that trend with their PlayStation 2 release of Virtua Fighter 4 many years ago.

Chalgyr said...

Agreed. and I really like customization. I think I spent as much time customizing my characters in Soul Calibur IV as I did playing the game at times. :p But that's a much more personal spin on things.