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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, April 15, 2012

It's Got to Be in 3D Right?

I got tired of waiting for more people to get to my Mii Plaza using the StreetPass on my Nintendo 3DS - and I have the 3DS in my jacket everwhere I go - so decided to use up my Play Coins to see if I could complete one of the puzzle panels in Puzzle Swap. You can get one random puzzle piece for just 2 coins - random as in it could give you the same piece that you already own over the separate collection panels that you have - and it took me about 100 coins to finally complete the New Super Mario Bros. Wii panel. When it was completed, I was pleasently surprised you are given access to the animated real-time 3D version of the picture in the panel, complete with 3D depths. I really didn't see that one coming and it felt rather rewarding. Now I am very curious about the other panels, especially the one for Metroid: Other M that features a close up view of Samus. I still have around 230 more coins to spend...

A fun interpretation of the original game cover.


Chalgyr said...

That's pretty cool - I did not realize that either. But I don't get any hits on my street pass. ever. except my son. So like you, I have to spend coins. I've been working on Rescue Mii. My son completed that same panel as you (I don't think I have the Metroid one? How'd you unlock that - seeing as I actually had and beat Other M on my Wii) - my son has beaten Rescue Mii - said he went through a ton of coins to do it.

Loner Gamer said...

I have kind of given up on Rescue Mii because it demands a whole lot of Play Coins, especially when you need a specific hero with the specific color. But I should keep going since I do have plenty of coins these days.

I am not sure how I unlocked that Metroid: Other M panel, it just kind of appeared one day. I also have Donkey Kong Country Returns and a Kid Icarus: Uprising panels. I think I got the DKCR from a visitor's panel but the Kid Icarus one showed up before I even got the game lol. There has to be some logic to this. Maybe I just haven't been paying attention.

Chalgyr said...

Yeah, I'm sort of the same way - I didn't pay attention to the panels for the longest time. And then I noticed a couple of mario ones and an icarus one. :P