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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, April 30, 2012

Games Played 04/23/2012 - 04/29/2012

- 04/23/2012 -
Call of Atlantis HD - iPad
Noitu Love 2 Devolution - PC
Super Monday Night Combat - PC

- 04/24/2012 -
Call of Atlantis HD - iPad
eXceed 3rd: Jade Penetrate Black Package Trial - PC
League of Legends - PC
Radiant Defense - iPad
Ultimate Shooting Collection - Wii
Valhellio Trial - PC

- 04/25/2012 -
Call of Atlantis HD - iPad
League of Legends - PC

- 04/26/2012 -
Cradle of Rome 2 HD - iPad
Kingdom Rush HD - iPad
Match Panic - iPad
Rage - PC
Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition - PC

- 04/27/2012 -
Alaron: Sword and Shadow HD - iPad
DOTA 2 Beta - PC
Kingdom Rush HD - iPad
League of Legends - PC
Raccoon Rising - iPad

- 04/28/2012 -
Alaron: Sword and Shadow HD - iPad
Atlantis Quest HD - iPad
DOTA 2 Beta - PC
Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition - PC
Trouble Witches Neo - Episode 1: Daughters of Amalgam - X-Box 360

- 04/29/2012 -
Alaron: Sword and Shadow HD - iPad
Castle Attack: Ultimate HD+ - iPad
FantasyxRunners - iPad
Kingdom Rush HD - iPad
Towers N' Trolls HD - iPad
Treasure Defense HD - iPad
Warlock: Master of Arcane Demo - PC


Chalgyr said...

What did you think of the Warlock demo? I have been meaning to grab it, but been way too distracted w/ other titles. :P

Loner Gamer said...

It played like a fantasy-themed version of Civilization. Nice graphics and the whole magic and sorcery twist makes the game interesting.

Chalgyr said...

That is a VERY intriguing way to put it as I am a huge fan of Civ. I get the feeling that I'm going to dig that game...