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Friday, April 1, 2011

Loner Grooving to Britney?

I have been using my old X-Box over the past several days for physical health reasons - Yourself!Fitness - but tonight, I went into the console's dashboard to check out the music that I have stored in there. I remember ripping some songs from Loreena McKennitt and Michael Jackson but then I found this:

Britney Spears' In the Zone?!

While it is true that I do enjoy a number of Brit Brit's songs, like Toxic and Oops!... I Did It Again (cower in shame), I don't recall having possession of any of her music CDs. No one else has access to my console except for my significant other, who vehemently denies any involvement in this mystery. So, it's either me having some serious memory issue or someone is hiding a secret from me but more importantly, do I dare to actually sit down and listen to the entirety of this album or should I delete it quickly before the infection spreads?

1 comment:

MimiPRGameFreak said...

Listening to a bit of Britney shouldn't hurt lol. =)

- The Girl Gamer