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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Getting Paid to Play a Free Game?

As you may have known by now, League of Legends for the Personal Computer is an absolutely free-to-play game - the only game advertised as "free-to-play" I know that has no hidden payment requirement whatsoever to get the full, complete experience of playing it. Well, the game's server has been problematic recently with horribly long log-in queues. Mind you that this is a free game and even though stability issues for the game are infrequent, Riot Games apparently felt compelled to reward those who were affected by the recent server problems with about $3 worth of Riot Points! Riot Points can be purchased in the game to enable players to buy champions and stat-modifiers quicker (these things can be unlocked by simply playing the game via Influence Points gain) or get alternate skins for the champions. I am definitely will be using it for the latter because these skins can only be purchased via RP - note that alternate skins do not affect the gameplay balance whatsoever and are there merely for cosmetic variety. My additional RP has already been registered into my account and I cannot wait to use it soon. Pessimists may argue that this move is a ploy to encourage players to spend at the store because you can't get too much from the low value of the RP but if you think about it, Riot didn't have to do this at all and a lot of people will still spend money at the store. To me, this is another example of how Riot really wants to make a name for themselves when it comes to their public relations. Still in the dark when it comes to LoL? Every PC gamer should take the time to at least check it out not only because it will not cost them a single dime, but because it is also a very, very good game! Sign up for your free summoner's account by clicking here and start playing the game today!

They aim to please.

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