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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Belly Fat, You Have Been Warned!

Throughout my youthful years, I never had to worry about gaining weight. What I ate never mattered - it seemed like my body was able to work itself out as it burnt out all the excess calories that I must have had with my usual diet of Asian food and sodas without having to do anything. Things started to change as I was approaching my late twenties. All of a sudden, I noticed an incremental weight gain whenever I stepped on the scale. At one point, I noticed a bulge on my stomach as I was sitting down. Sure, they always say the manliest of men carry a bit of a beer belly but I took the realist approach and saw it as a sign of diminishing health. It was then that I started using this wonderful exercise program effectively masked as a video game called Yourself!Fitness on the X-Box. Keeping up with the program was hard but the result from all the sweat and tears (yes, there were times when I almost cried at the end of a session - Maya can be a real b*%&^) was worth all of the pain and misery I had to endure.

You are not fooling anyone with that sweet face and calm yoga pose, Maya...

Not too long ago - well, it's been a while actually - I made a mention that I was going to start playing Yourself!Fitness again. I haven't done so to this day but whenever I looked at myself in the mirror, I was reminded that I really needed to. Not that I am obese, but I like looking toned and healthy. I am not looking for a six-pack but just enough to impress. I know Yourself!Fitness can do the job but perhaps my body knows the punishing amount of work involved so it's delaying me from starting it up. Miraculously, I was able to do something extraordinary this morning when I woke up. It was not Maya whom I saw on the screen but at least it's a promising start: I played EyeToy: Kinetic on the PlayStation 2. I originally planned to use Kinetic as a lite addition to my Yourself!Fitness routine. I never really used this program in the past and so far, I do like it a lot. With the amount of space I now have in my Game Room, I was able to properly set up the game. The room in my old apartment was too small so I could never get a good length of my entire body to show up on the screen. Kinetic offers a 12-week program that modifies itself throughout the course of that time frame to accommodate your physical improvement. I am going to set Yourself!Fitness aside for now and just continue using Kinetic to see if it works. Ironically, the workout found here is almost as brutal as the one found in Yourself!Fitness - though a lot more fun - but hey, I am just glad that I am working out again!

Here we go again! I hope to see results by the end of the 12 weeks of terror!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha good for you. Microsoft always stealing names (and ideas)