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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

PS3 Death: The Color Game

The PlayStation 3 actually has a lot in common with the X-Box 360 when it comes to the way it communicates epic failure. I have found out that the blinking lights actually convey a deeper meaning than just "you're completely screwed" and they could provide you details about the problem that you are facing on with your broken console. Apparently, there are ambiguous internal issues affecting mine as shown in the guide found on the official PlayStation support page that comes complete with animating lights (take that Microsoft!):

The origin of the console language.

I was seriously considering getting one of those newer slim models, even though they look mighty nasty. But the problem here is that my current console can't even be turned on so I can't do the data transfer between the two consoles. Sending it back to Sony will cost me a $149.00 repair fee, which translates into a 50% discount compared to just getting a PS3 in my Game Room immediately.  I think I'm just going to sleep on it for a while. There are other platforms that I can focus on at the moment. Besides, I haven't been on the PS3 that much other than my recent attempt to complete Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia on Justin.tv, a game that is now held hostage on the disc drive inside the console.


Anonymous said...

Ouch bad luck. A minute of silence for the ps3.
You know that´s someting i hate about consoles. When they have a problem you can´t fix it by yourself like the pc.
The blue screen is far worse than the color lights.

Loner Gamer said...

Thanks. I don't think I like this era where it's possible for consoles to break down despite the owner's tender loving care... The X-Box 360 is difficult enough to maintain and now this? I do hope that my Nintendo Wii is going to stay healthy for a long time to come...

Anonymous said...

Yeah is a pain in the ass.
I would not be surprised if console gamers had developed a paranoia about that.
Is not fun to play and at the same time be thinking in any moment the ps3 or xbox will die of overheating.
Unfortunately we live in an era where is more important to make things fast without testing quality.