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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Yes, I Miss You

So how is life without the PlayStation 3? As much as I am trying to be brave and calm in regards to the situation, I do miss that darn console. I have placed my old PlayStation 2 where the PS3 used to be, which is the right hand side of my LCD, and every time I look at it, I am reminded of my current predicament. Earlier today, I was thinking about renting a movie from Redbox - I stopped using Netflix because I found that I don't watch the movies that come to me fast enough, thanks to my video gaming habit - and while browsing through the available titles, I realized that I can't watch Blu-ray movies anymore. That really killed my mood immediately because I have been spoiled by high definition pictures these days and the last thing I want to do is rent a DVD. I will have to rectify the situation very soon.

It's just not the same... I am missing my PS3.


Anonymous said...

haha buy a blu ray reader for your pc :p

Loner Gamer said...

If I do that, the Blu-ray movie capability of the PS3 will become redundant because I will eventually have a working one. If I only game on the Personal Computer, that would have been a different story.

The PC gaming scene will never utilize the Blu-ray format because direct download is really the way of the future and the PC is ahead when it comes to that method of software distribution.

Anonymous said...

I think pc doesn´t need blu ray disk beacause games can use as many dual layer dvds as it needs for games. It´s not like consoles that need to storage as much data as it can in a single disk.
But we never know what the future may holds.
10 years ago no one would thought games will come on dvds.