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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Allods Online: Triple Vision

I created an Imperial faction character when I first started playing Allods Online on the Personal Computer yesterday so today, I thought I would check out the opposing League faction. One of the races, the Gibberling, is very unique in which the character is represented by three linked avatars. You can customize the basic looks of each of the triplets during the creation process but you really just control one while the others follow. When you equip a new piece of equipment, it visually alters all of the characters simultaneously. It's really not my style though because they are just too synchronized and thus seem "unnatural". This whole thing is just too trippy and weird but it also very different so I really commend the game for offering something that is truly unique.

Want to control more than one character at once without dual-boxing? Pick the Gibberlings!


Anonymous said...

Hell yeah allods is a great game. It does become cash-shop dependent when u reach 20 however. The price of the items isn't that bad and its basically making the game a monthly subscription but I couldn't care less because its such a great game.

Loner Gamer said...

I appreciate the heads up about the micro-transaction: it's somewhat disappointing to know that the cash shop will eventually become a necessity but I will still give the game a shot. League of Legends has really spoiled me when it comes to playing for free though I just know that I would be buying some of the alternate champion looks in the future but mind you that those things are completely optional and they have no impact on the actual gameplay.