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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, August 28, 2010

League of Legends: Level 30 Get!

Finally! It's time to check out the ranked matches (if I can find enough friendly people).

Earlier this evening, I finally made it to summoner level 30 in League of Legends on the Personal Computer. What this means is that I now gain access to the all 30 talent points and all the rune slots to fully customize my champion builds and realize the extents of the champions' potentials. Other than the $10+ spent on getting the "Collector's Pack", I have not paid a single dime throughout the entire leveling up process and I can choose to continue doing that as long as the game is up and running. Still, I do plan to purchase crazy alternate looks for my favorite champions when they become available: Riot Games, please, please, please make a nasty looking Teemo complete with a nastier looking mushroom! While getting to level 30, I was able to unlock 14 additional champions and purchased a decent amount of quality runes using the Influence Points accumulated from merely playing the game. I have a total of 34 champions but I only focus my attention on 3-4 of them. I will spend more time playing at level 30 before I write my final impression about the game. If you still have not signed up to play LoL, you are missing out on one of the most fun games ever. Click here to create your summoner profile and join in on the fun! It's 100% free!

I still have more champions to unlock: A great reason to keep playing the game!

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