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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, January 24, 2010

New Games Alert!

To make up for the absence of any celebratory sales for Christmas last year, Sony is finally putting up 10 titles for sale on the PlayStation Store to celebrate the year 2010. A majority of these are not worth getting but at least two of them are listed on my Purchase List: Critter Crunch - $3.49: A puzzle game where you swallow animals and then spit them out Yoshi-style to force feed other animals hanging from rows of vines until they burst so that you can eat the crystals that come out of the exploded bodies, and Zen Pinball - $4.99: a collection of 4 beautiful digital pinball tables. For those who still haven't purchased the brilliant Braid, it is also currently offered through this sale for only $7.49. This 10 for '10 Game Sale offer will only last through the 27th of this month!

If you really think about it, this game is kind of gross despite its cute graphics.

El Dorado is my favorite of the four.
I may get the Street Fighter and Ninja Gaiden themed additional tables soon.

1 comment:

Blake said...

Crap!! CRAP!! With my playstation down I am unable to get these. I wouldn't mind giving a go to the Zen pinball.