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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Defeated Janna but No More Regret

Season 2 has officially ended today for League of Legends on the Personal Computer and with it, I didn't get to reach the gold rating to be granted that astonishing Victorious Janna skin. I ended up with the highest rating of 1475 - close but no cigar because that's still the silver tier in the solo/duo ranked queue. I just needed two or three consecutive wins but that's a bit hard to do when your teammates are randomly assigned. Still, it's a group game so I am a believer that the burden of victory and the causes of defeat are shared across all who are involved. I got to that rating soon after I realized that I still had time to get myself to gold but to be honest, playing the ranked matches were just not that fun because I encountered too many players with rotten attitude so I didn't keep it at. Apparently both the Honor initiative and the Tribunal system are still not enough. At least I made that attempt to get to gold before I had enough. With the arrival of Season 3, I will be playing some ranked matches for sure but depending on the type of people I ended up being grouped with, ranked matches would either become a habit or something that I would be more than happy to avoid playing altogether, with or without the eventual fancy skin reward.

At least I can enjoy the silver frame adornment in the versus scereen.


BloodyFuneral said...

If you're up for winning ranked games, and getting your ratings up, the best thing to do is definitely getting yourself a reliable partner and duo together(yes, must be a "reliable" partner, an unreliable one will ruin you). In fact is just like playing normal mode. A good partner means 20% uncertainty waived, and that is A LOT.

Solo queue just doesn't work too well.

Ranked games are kinda like gambling with your money ---- the more you lose, the more you want to win back; you don't want to stop until you won it back, and that's the main reason I only play normal games, for now.

I've also noticed that when people are playing ranked, they're more serious and generally play better.

Last but not least, I hope you didn't bring your "Why-can't-Taric-jungle-he's-got-a-stun" attitude into your ranked games, because it is purely competition out there, and if your goal is to win, it's the best not to create your own formula :P

Loner Gamer said...

Ever since you dropped out of that game where that one person wanted to jungle Taric, I was in four games with Jungle Taric and every single one of them ended up with a win. Also, I have played in many non-standard compositions, even in ranked games and as I have shared with you in the past, as long as the roles are clearly defined, you can pretty much make any line-up work as long as the players know their champions well.

The trick with this game is to be able to have an open mind and allow others to play what they are best at - be that the roles or the actual champions. In this game, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. The real question here is whether one can enjoy oneself in both situations and I am capable of doing that except when I encounter a negative person on the team.

I have been polite to you and saw you as a friend in the game but that uncalled for snide remark at the end there just proved your immaturity. Good luck with your LoL endeavors but I am certain now that you are just not someone that I'd like to play with in the future.