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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

League of Legends: Return to Honor

I have been away from League of Legends for the Personal Computer over the last several days because I have been busy with believe it or not, Dead or Alive 5 on the PlayStation 3. It looks like today is a wonderful day to return because Riot Games have introduced the "Honor" system that rewards players who help make playing the game a positive experience. I myself have sent Riot Games a request to have this implemented quite a long time ago and I am just glad to see that it is finally available. Basically, in addition to the Tribunal that discourages negative behaviors, you can now report players you meet on both sides of the battle for good behaviors - in case you don't know what that means, it's things like not raging and staying calm and positive throughout the match, or staying humble during post-game chat when winning a match and graceful in defeat. I really love this and I sure hope that this will finally help the community improve so that I don't have to mute a player's chat on every single match I play. There always seem to be at least one or two of them per match these days - worse when you get matched with a pre-made. The one thing I realize about mostly playing support is that your lane partner usually loves to blame you for his or her bad performance. I will also tell you that supporting a jerk gives me a really disgusting, filthy feeling that cannot be scrubbed off for months or maybe even years. I do hope that this won't get abused because I have already seen people begging for "Honor" just because they supposedly "carried" the team. No, you don't get honor for playing well. You will get an honor from me when you can show me that you are a decent human being.
Who doesn't want honor right?
Your honor count can be accessed from your profile. Oh wow, got one already!
Update Note: 10/09/2012 - Who knew that an abuse counter-measure was indeed implemented with the system! Very impressive. Defend the game's honor and always bring nothing but positive attitude with you when you play the game.


Anonymous said...

haha, I think I really have something to say to this post.

1.First I'm a bit surprised that there are people asking for the honor votes. I don't know whether Riot had expected this or not, but it's just like gamers who play games solely for the trophies (they don't enjoy the games at all) --- it's a bizarre and twisted attitude.

I myself don't care about this "honor system" at all. I don't think it'll do much, unless Riot gives a dollar for every vote gained.

2. The bottom lane is always where it's unpredictable and could turn out frustrating.

There is a big issue here: ADC is not everyone's role. Everyone can buy Darius or Swain then after some games they can do decently OK on the lane, however, in the bottom lane it's 2v2, and it's harder or a lot harder than solo mid & top. I found that out long ago when TF and Poppy kicked me out of the bottom, they wanted me to go mid.

Playing as ADC requires a lot of practices, and I'm talking about more than 100 games. Each ADC has his/her unique strength and style, and utilizing these is everything besides cooperating with the support.

I watched the game you played today, where you were supporting Graves. That Graves obviously had no idea how to play this champion. He didn't utilize his burst. Kogmaw was dancing in front of him with 30% of HP, at that point Graves's attention should not be cs but looking for a chance to burst down kog, and he had the chance, he probably didn't even need his Q, cuz kog was at only 30% health. Also, I've never seen Graves used his w. I believe the Graves's smoke screen is like Janna's ult, Skarner's ult, Teemo's mushrooms, Nasus's Q ---- it's his signature attack.

Graves is like a beast, he has lousy range but his strength lies in his unmatched burst dmg and passive. I was hoping to learn something from him, as I myself is trying to master Graves, but it turned out that he has no idea about Graves's style.

3. If I were to lane with Soraka, I would seek chances to hit the enemy ADC (HP exchange) while ensuring my cs, cuz I've got the best healer in the game, but he/she only has health pots. Trying to keep their health low also keeps myself safe. The good thing about Soraka is that she doesn't run out of mana easily, not like Janna & Sona.

4. I think I have a crash on Soraka now, her new artwork is just too sexy.

BloodyFuneral said...

5. Don't get too annoyed by those jerks, I've played ADC for a long time and I've seen too many supports, the good ones and the bad ones, you're definitely one of the best supports.

Loner Gamer said...

Thanks. Riot is probably going to celebrate those who have high honor counts with something special but even if they don't, I think it's all about positive reinforcement. It's a nice feeling to know that people appreciate you and that in itself is rewarding enough. I also love that now I have a way to show people that I enjoyed playing with them with something more tangible.