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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sennheiser Due to Vita

Playing games on the PlayStation Vita can be an exhilarating experience thanks to its potential for visual spectacle (notice that I will never say that it could match the graphical fidelity of the current consoles) but the aural presentation via the built-in speakers is actually rather mediocre. This is not a problem exclusive to the Vita and I have addressed this very situation in the past. To get the total package experience from the Vita requires one to use the audio connector and I do have a dedicated earphones for my handhelds - a shamelessly expensive noise-cancelling one from Shure. I have been unhappy with those earphones however for a long while now because even though they sound great, fitting those tiny things inside my ear has never been all that comfortable, especially during lengthy gaming sessions. So I decided to get a pair of actual headphones instead and I decided on this HD 202 II budget model from Sennheiser.
Please don't ask me what that guy on the packaging is doing.
He's not even wearing the headphones and he looks like someone
who just jumped out of the bushes at night ready to drag you into his van.
Despite having that freaky looking kidnapper on the packaging, I am very happy with using this headphones with my Vita. It is amazing how much better it actually sounded compared to my uncomfortable earphones. Maybe the comfort contributed to the improvement but one thing is for sure, after using these headphones, I don't think that I can ever go back to the tiny sound that comes out from the Vita or my other handhelds. There used to be a time when the only satisfactory sound I could squeeze out of my handhelds could only come from connecting them straight to my receiver. Now, I can get the same satisfaction by just using these headphones.

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