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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, November 15, 2012

X-Box LIVE: 10 and Juvenile

I received an email from Microsoft today that dared ask me this very serious question: "Bardnoon Lord, remember when you first joined Xbox LIVE?" Oh Microsoft, how nice of you to remind me that Xbox LIVE used to be a really cool place back in the original X-Box days... you know when the service used to be FREE and that it solely focused on something called VIDEO-GAMING! Apparently, the LIVE service is now celebrating its 10th anniversary but if it's not going to honor its own roots and become an entirely free service on the X-Box 360, I really don't think they have much of a reason to celebrate. Can't be too bitter about this however because Microsoft is giving us free download of the Kinect game Wreckateer for the next two days. Also, I was granted an avatar helmet because I have been with the service for a very long time.
Yes, Microsoft. I wish I could go back to LIVE's early years...
Cool helmet though. I'll keep it!

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