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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, November 5, 2012

DOTA 2 Access Up for Grabs!

I have 3 DOTA 2 access keys in my Steam inventory right now and I want to give it to three lucky readers on a first come, first served basis. So you don't want to pay $29.99 to get the early access to play this game, well here is your chance to start playing without paying. All you have to do to win one is to follow the blog using the Google Friend Connect to the right hand side of the blog and then post a comment on this article specifying your interest in getting the access key. Please make sure that you have an email address in your profile so that I can contact you if you are one of the lucky three or you can choose to leave your Steam profile in the comment. This article will be updated once all 3 have been claimed. Good luck!
Make DOTA 2 a part of your Steam Game Library today!
Update Note: 11/12/2012 - All the keys are gone now.

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