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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, October 19, 2012

Victorious Janna Regret

I have made some life-changing decisions in my personal life yet I never have any regrets about them. Gaming does bring its fair share of sorrow however and today, I am regretful over the fact that I will not be a recipient of the Victorious Janna skin in League of Legends for the Personal Computer that will be rewarded for all Summoners who were able to reach the Gold tier or higher in ranked matches in Season 2. I was only able to reach Silver from the total of 32 Season 2 ranked matches that I played. I know that I would have been able to reach Gold but I just didn't participate in ranked matches often enough when I should have. And now, I will be denied one of the best looking alternate skins for one of my favorite champions in the game:
Call me Breathtaking Janna.
I know what I should do for Season 3. I must not allow this to happen again. I must make it a habit to do at least 5 ranked matches a week. Yes, that sounds pretty reasonable. Besides, with the recent implementation of the Honor system, perhaps things are a lot friendlier now in ranked matches as well. As for my Victorious Janna... You will forever be in my dreams.

Update Note: 10/20/2012 - There is still time! I was so entranced by the utter beauty of this skin that I missed this part: "Also of note is the soft Elo reset to Twisted Treeline and Summoner’s Rift on November 6. This new date is better in line with the arrival date of new Season 3 content, and gives summoners more time to compete on the Fields on Justice to wrap up Season 2." I thought that the November 6th was just the date when Season 3 begins and that the deadline for the reward happened with the end of the World Championship. Oh yes Victorious Janna, I am going to do my best to have you in my arms - I mean - in my skin selection screen!

1 comment:

BloodyFuneral said...

You didn't know about the reward for season 3 is the "war hero Janna" skin?

Two of my friends said they wanted to reach 1500 rating for this skin, they told me about it, that's how I knew it.

(Although later they just gave up. To be honest, they have problems in their play styles, but I didn't discuss this with them, because they're both very confident players, that whenever something bad happens, they blame others for it. I don't want to piss them off)

Then the new skin was revealed, and I was rather disappointed with it, both the artwork and the in game model. I still think the classic Janna is the most beautiful female among all female characters in LOL.

If you really like it, can't you buy it with RP in S3?

On another note, lucky for you, you're 1400, because what I heard is below 1400, it's not about skill, it's all about luck.