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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, November 16, 2012

Splitting Up: A Divorce from Steam?

Electronic Arts... Congratulations! You have done it. I actually like Origin a little more than Steam thanks to its incredible twitch.tv broadcast capability. Because I want to stream whenever I play a Personal Computer game, I actually have to launch Origin first and then launch Steam inside of Origin. This also means that I have deleted the Origin shortcut from Steam. Yeah, you must be extremely ecstatic about that EA. Despite the recent overblown claim about hacked accounts that was denied by EA, what has been accomplished by the new and improved Origin is something that EA should be very proud of.

Origin is the new Steam? Not quite, but getting there.

So how far reaching is the Origin influence now in my PC gaming life? I have removed all non-Steam games that I added into Steam and added them to Origin instead. Why is that? Well, Origin actually tracks the number of hours you play non-Origin games when Steam doesn't do that with non-Steam games. Also, my Origin client will always be on because I launch Steam from it so that I can stream all my Steam gaming sessions. Before the introduction of the new features, Origin would only be up and running when I play the games I got from the Origin service. Well, not anymore. I suppose not everyone is into gameplay streaming even though they should now because Origin made it very, very easy. But EA has been working, for quite a while now, to implement "achievements" into Origin (roll eyes) to get the rest of the community onboard. As for me, I think Origin has arrived. Valve, you better make your move and announce your gameplay streaming plan like soon to get things back to your kind of normal!

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