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Monday, September 3, 2012

Bioshock 2 Giveaway

So it's obvious that everyone is anticipating the release of Bioshock Infinite but perhaps you still haven't played Bioshock 2 or you always dreamed about owning the Personal Computer version of the game. Well, I have an extra copy of the Steam version of the game and I would like to give it away to one lucky reader! All you have to do is join this site with Google Friends Connect (it's on the right side of the page) and express your interest by commenting on this article. Make sure to include your email address unless it is already in your profile so that I can contact you if you are the winner of this giveaway. All comments must be submitted by 8am PDT on 09/17/2012 and the randomly selected winner will be announced soon after. Remember, this version must be activated via Steam so make sure that you have a Steam account. Good luck!
The wait for the new Bioshock feels like an infinity so why not play this one?
Update Note: 10/06/2012 - If you just stumbled onto this page, well you are in luck! Nobody won the giveaway during the period of time specified. The first "Other Gamers" to comment on this article will win the game. Yes, today is your lucky day - do it! Comment now, that other person is about to if you don't!


Unknown said...

Wow Just my luck! My steam account is

Thanks so much!

Unknown said...

Had this game on my wishlist for a while as well! Thanks again!

Loner Gamer said...

Someone finally claimed the game! Gratz Pieter Voogt.