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Friday, August 31, 2012

Guild Wars 2: The First 10 Levels

A week has passed since I started playing Guild Wars 2 for the Personal Computer and I have finally reached level 10. While my friends are hitting the 30+ levels, I am straggling behind. The reason behind that? Well, I have been jumping back and forth between the five characters across the game's 5 races. It is also a fact that I don't play the game that often because well, the game may be good but it isn't that addicting.
Mercilessly sexy and has plenty of clones to satisfy both the ladies and gents.
I am not going to go that super-detailed spoiler route of sharing with you my experience with the game thus far. Instead, I am just going to mention what I have enjoyed and what I found annoying in GW2:
1) The events where all players within an area can participate in are always, and I mean, always happening. This translates into non-stop action which then translates into non-stop experience gains.
2) The Vistas - these are cut-scene trigger points where the game camera pulls back to show the majesty of the surrounding environment.
3) The weapon-based skills are starting to make sense and being able to toggle between two weapon sets means access to a total of 10 weapon skills - a lot more I initially thought the players are limited to.
4) The backpack is so easy to manage. With a couple of clicks, you can send all crafting items into the bank without visiting a branch!
The game doesn't shy away from showing you this. Can you find Androstenol?
1) The Waypoints - you use this to immediately transport yourself between areas. Being able to travel quickly across the map is something that was in the original game that shouldn't have transferred over to this game. It really shatters the illusion that you are playing in a large interconnected world.
2) Having instanced personal storyline takes away the impact of the said narrative. It just feels like your story is not even a part of the actual living world.
3) The character cut-scenes that happen during pivotal points where two large character models talk to each other while kind of sort of looking at each other are just... awkward.
All of a sudden, all the people running around the map simply disappear...
1) The player versus player is a mess. I jumped on a PvP match once and that may have been the only time that I will be playing PvP in this game. The PvP was so unresponsive and unsatisfying, I jumped onto League of Legends immediately after to wash off the filth from my entire being. It was hectic, especially with the stupid gameplay mechanics called...
2) ...Dodging! Why is this even in the game? Sure, a perfectly placed dodge will get you out of an area of effect spell but it doesn't bring that much to a game where you pretty much resort to crazy clickings of the spell bars to conquer your opponents. The finishing move when the opponent is down is also pretty stupid and unnecessary. It takes forever to execute when you can do something better during that time like clicking your spell bars to exhaustion.
There you have it, my first 10 levels in GW2 was indeed filled with moments of glory and the occasional moments of shame. I do still like the game a lot and I do feel the urge to continue playing so at least I know that I won't be abandoning this game the same way I did on first one. Let's go Androstenol!

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