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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, September 29, 2012

It's All About the Williams!

Who cares about the Mishimas? At least, I really don't when it comes to the cover art I choose to display on the game case of my recently inducted Tekken Tag Tournament 2 for the PlayStation 3. I really like these reversible cover art and while I prefer my games to be delivered digitally, when they are retail-acquired, they better give me something extra to make it at least entertaining in terms of its physicality. While the original cover art features Heihachi Mishima and Jin Kazama, the one printed on the other side actually has the hot Williams sisters Anna and Nina - the latter being my number one favorite character in the series. It was a no contest and I have decided to once again commit to the alternate cover art. If you were wondering why I took the time to write this instead of playing this awesome game - the first Tekken Tag Tournament is still the best Tekken game ever made and I hope this sequel will take over that title - the game is still slowly installing: Oh PS3, you are such a slug. I am sure it will be worth the wait once the game is ready to go. Sorry hun, I'll be up late tonight.
Choose this cover or Nina will come get you!

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