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Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Relic from 2005

I was doing some late night filing when I stumbled upon a folded piece of check paper. When I opened it and saw its content, I was overwhelmed with nostalgia. It was my "Purchase List" from 2005, three years before the birth of the Loner Gamer website. If I recall correctly, this was a print out made by the spouse, who was a significant other back then, who was using it to hunt the games on list. Reading everything that was listed there, I believe I almost got every single one of these items. Notice that the actual X-Box 360 console was listed as well. I used a different priority system back then called "Collection Rank" - how the spouse hated that system - where I rated all the games in numbered sequence based on the games that I wanted to get first and if there were 50 games, well, they would be rated from 1 - 50. When a date showed up under the Collection Rank, that meant that the game was not out yet. The whole thing feels primitive now that I have evolved the way that I track the games that I am interested in. I was really into my games in 2005 and it's still going strong in the here and now.
To think that the spouse was holding this at an electronic store back then made me smile.


BloodyFuneral said...

That's a lot of games on your list.

Do you have the games called "Atelier Series"? I own 3 the games called "Atelier Rorona, Atelier Totori and Atelier Meruru". Also, have you played Valkyria Chronicles?

lol, I won't be asking about the famous titles like God of War or Uncharted, cuz I'm sure you own all of those.

I'm a fan of ps3 games:

God of War Collection
God of War 3
Uncharted 1,2,3,
White Knight Chronicles
Tekken 6
Valkyria Chronicles
Sports Champion
Soul Calibur 4
Heavenly Sword

I'm very picky on what I play and I do a lot of researching & "investigation" before buying a game, so I don't have a lot xD

Although I have a lot of controllers, I have 5 ps3 controllers & 4 x360 controllers. My friends always make fun of me: why don't you go run a game cafe?

Loner Gamer said...

Yes I have played Valkyria Chronicles and yes, I do have those Atelier games, even the ones on the PlayStation 2. All the games I own are fully listed in the Game Library section of the website.