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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Review: Critter Crunch

Critter Crunch (2012)
Developer: Capybara Games
Induction Date: 09/14/2012

When I first played Critter Crunch on the PlayStation 3, I thought it was great fun. Since I don't frequent my PS3 that much, it was one of the games that got a little lost in the shuffles. Now that the Personal Computer version of the game is here on Steam, I became very excited to play it again. After spending a lot more time on it, I can tell you that my love for this game has increased tremendously.

Nauseatingly disgusting or unbearably adorable? You decide!

Critter Crunch is one of those reverse puzzle games where you shoot something upward into a moving formation to clear them before they reach the bottom of the screen. What makes it unique however is its take on the concept food chain that is presented in a seriously wacky fashion. You play as Biggs, who is half Yoshi with the long tongue and the ability to swallow things whole only to spit them back out, and half uh, bullfrog but all fuzzy and cute. A formation of critters is slowly sliding down rows of vines and you must strategically make those critters eat each other  until they explode, bursting out delicious gems that Biggs craves for. In the adventure mode, a level is completed after you have filled up your hunger meter. The way that you make these critters explode is simple at first - the large critter will eat the medium critter, and the medium critter will eat the small critter. You have to feed the critters twice to make them explode or stuff them with a half-full critter. Critters of the same type and color will also explode as long as they are touching each other in the formation. Also, a critter of the larger size will automatically eat the smaller critter if that smaller critter is fed. Yes, as you have probably realized by now, there are plenty of opportunities to chain and combo things within the formation. Also, when you create a long chain of explosions, one of your little kids come running into the screen wanting to eat your puke. Feeding that needy rascal will increase your score but it is also risky because it takes time to make him full and you have to leave the critter formation unattended. Add power-ups, special critters - oh those wild card critters are so extremely yummy - and you have yourself a game that offers plenty of depths but popping them critters in itself is always so much fun.

I don't blame him for being so obsessed with Biggs.

The adventure mode is presented as a kind of informative animal show and it's very charming throughout. Still, all this talk about exploding critters and regurgitations may seem off putting but thanks to the game's colorful anime style presentation, Critter Crunch ended up being such a hilarious affair. The animations on Biggs and the critters are quite detailed. There are plenty of facial expressions - the critters flinching when someone below it exploded will never get old - and Biggs himself is so cute the way he dashes around the screen swallowing and spitting critters everywhere. The stages always have something subtle happening in the background. Equally cheery is the game's playful soundtrack but for the most part, all that you are going to be hearing is the excessive munching sound that would soon be followed by some violent pops. Those popping sounds... So melodic, they will make your mouth water.

Biggs will never go hungry on this island ever.

Though they may be found throughout the adventure mode, you also get access to separate puzzle and challenge stages from the main menu. I will warn you that the puzzles and challenges in this game will test your skill so it should take some time for you to clear them. You can also play the game online competitively or cooperatively, That's right, this is one of the few puzzle games that will allow you to do co-op with another player and it is a beautiful thing. It's very hectic as you screw up each other's chains as the critters are starting to move down those vines so fast but the most important thing here is that it's such a blast to play. Just make sure you are not queasy about the idea of putting a critter that has been in your co-op buddy's mouth into your own. The versus mode is nice too with its crazy power ups but the co-op is my favorite. Make sure you convince your friends to get the game however because it is impossible to find anyone to play the game with using the matchmaking system. The coolest thing here however is that the adventure mode is designed to be played over and over again. Your combined score from each stage is compared to others who play the game so you are encouraged to go back to past stages to get better scores and complete all the extra puzzles and challenges.

Don't be hallucinating on the job!

Critter Crunch is one of the best puzzle games that I have ever played. Its cute graphics, clever gameplay, and weird sense of humor have easily won me over. It's one puzzle game that I want to keep revisiting over and over again thanks to the smart adventure mode leaderboard implementation and the online co-op mode. Critter Crunch is one of the best $6.99 you will ever spend and it is available for purchase on Steam. Make a critter explode today!

RATING: 5 out of 5

Steam key provided by developer.

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