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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Riot Points Got Reversed Too

The Reverse Annie alternate skin is one of the more creative skins in League of Legends for the Personal Computer and I got it unlocked last night. When it comes to mages, Annie is definitely my least favorite. That whole stack to stun mechanics just doesn't flow all that well to me but hey, the skin was discounted and I do plan to have at least one alternative skin for each champion so if I was only going to get one for Annie, this one would be it. What's so special about this skin? Well, when you play Annie, you get access to summoning her teddy bear from hell Tibbers and here, Annie is dressing up as Tibbers and when you summon Tibbers, he gets dressed up in drags. Amazing right? I think Riot Games should consider creating alternate skins where champions are dressing up as each other like a skin for Karma dressing up as Soraka or vice versa. Oh, I would buy both of those immediately at full price... Maybe!
Perhaps it would have been cooler if you get to control the real Tibbers as the champion?

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