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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Who Watches You When You Game?

Is it really that important to have someone in the room with me when I'm gaming? Yes, it has always been the case for me but that is unfortunately something that has been missing in my life. Why is it so important to me? Well, in that moment when my own reality ceases to exist as I am being enraptured into a continuous stream of gaming consciousness, I always long for someone to be there to share that experience. It's a fanciful desire that is mostly a fantasy, especially if the person watching both the gamer and the unfolding gaming occurrence does not have the same commitment to the hobby. Still, as infrequent as the number of times the spouse would actually sit in the Game Room to check out what I am playing and as awkward instead of fulfilling those occasions ended up being, it's still something that I long for.
So the spouse has been away for more than a week now and even outside of gaming, things are getting a little too quiet in the house. I am beginning to realize that things haven't been that bad however because... I have my girl Yoshi with me. Yoshi pretty much follows me wherever I go when I'm home and the fact that my constant daily interaction with her is such a natural extension of my being these days, I am beginning to take it for granted. Before we adopted Yoshi, when the spouse is away, I would hardly utter a word to myself while I'm in the house. These days, I actually do get to talk to someone. Granted it's mostly a one way conversation but the sweet way Yoshi looks back at me is all the validation I needed that she's listening. I mean, that can't be any worse that having text conversations with my Internet gaming friends. Yeah, I'm a lonely guy. One thing that I am noticing more and more though is that Yoshi likes to stare at me when I'm gaming. Perhaps she's trying to figure out what exactly it is that I'm doing. I have never taken a video of myself gaming - I think it would be scary to watch that - but perhaps Yoshi notices changes in my facial expression or that she is intrigued by me being absolutely wooden and still for a long period of time. But whatever the reason behind it may be, I am just so glad that Yoshi is actually there for me when I'm gaming and that includes when the spouse is here or not. So in actuality, gaming isn't that lonely of an experience with Yoshi around because she is in the room with me. Ah, the little things in life...
Yoshi, thank you for being such a sweetheart.

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