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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, September 21, 2012

Game Boxes: Let's Get Metaphysical

I went to Fry's Electronics earlier this evening just for fun. I just didn't feel like spending the entirety of the evening sitting in front of my gaming display with Yoshi licking my legs every so often. I picked up several cheap games on my way out too since I was already there. I did visit the Personal Computer gaming section of the store and it looked really pathetic but that is of course a good thing. PC games are mostly distributed digitally these days, which is of course proper way to distribute all games. Then I saw the humongous collector's edition box for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and I was reminded of how those things used to matter to me at one point in my gaming life. Nowadays, whenever these "special edition" boxes, I would back away from them knowing that they are such a waste of space.
Physical games... All they do is take up your space and clutter your room.
The magic of game boxes or cases can easily be transferred into the digital realm. For example, all games should have a digital manual accessible from the main menu - I sure do hate tutorial levels in games, they are boring and get in the way of my immediate enjoyment of a game - and developers should work really hard to make that main menu looks ridiculously awesome. I know many like to argue that it's all about having something physical to touch. But really do you like the feel of the cheap materials that they now use to make those cases and manuals? And those manuals can give you paper cuts, which happens to be one of the most intense pain you can experience while being alive in this world. Then there are those who actually threaten to leave the world of video gaming if games stopped being sold at the stores in physical form. I laugh whenever I see people making that statement because you know they have been gaming for the wrong reason and I can't wait for them to exit the gaming universe - that way the developers can focus on making games for the people who matter the most.

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