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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I Miss Playing with My Wii

I have decided to place my Nintendo Wii on the floor next to my Predator after it has been displaced from sitting on top of my old PC. This clearly exemplifies the fact that I am running out of precious space when it comes to accommodating all of my working consoles and this is one of the reason why I have such a disdain for the arrival of new consoles. Why can't they all be like the PC where they are backwards compatible with everything you have purchased from those console makers before. All this focus on the Wii reminded me that I do need to give that console more loving. It's time to hold tight on that Wiimote tight with my sweaty palm and wiggle it hard I suppose.
This just doesn't look right. I'll probably move it somewhere else.
In other news, this is the third week that the spouse has been away and I am beginning to hate this predicament. We got into an argument on the phone the other day because the extended stay ended up being optional and not mandatory. I am selfish when it comes to time because most people tend to forget that this life is not infinite.I don't know, if Yoshi wasn't here, it would have been worse for me. Oh well. I have a new PC to explore, games to play, stuff to write, and a little doggie who likes to bite my nose. Life is okay.

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