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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, September 13, 2012

PC Upgrade: It's Time

The last time I made a major revision to my Personal Computer gaming rig was sometime in mid-2008. After more than 4 years with a couple of tweaks in between in the form of power supply and graphics card updates, I have decided to really jazz up my setup. This time around though, I am going to make things a little more convenient for myself and just get a pre-built rig. Yeah, it's not necessary but I want to skip the individual labor part and just get to the goods. I did my calculations and the difference between building my own and actually getting this sucker pre-built was rather small and after assembling them for the last 3 times on my own, I think I deserve a little spoiling. My rig of choice? It's the Acer Predator AG3620-UR20P. The most attractive part of this package is its Intel 3.4 GHz i7-3770 quad processor. You can check out the detailed specs by clicking here. When this baby arrives, of course the first thing I am going to do is yank out that nasty NVIDIA GeForce GT 630 and replace it with my beautiful GTX 460, the card that should last me another good year or two.

Arriving to my Game Room very soon. Such a handsome devil.

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