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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Soraka: Bare Bottom to Penta Perfection

Oh my galaxy. This new Soraka model is so very beautiful... I have been playing today using her Divine Soraka skin and she is truly a thing of beauty. Her overflowing black hair neatly tied into a ponytail and it moves around ever so gently with every action she takes. When does her physical attack, she swings her staff with such conviction as crescent energies flies out towards her target. When she heals, a beautiful sigil forms underneath the target's feet and when she silences her enemies or replenishes her allies' mana, she reaches out her left arm towards her target, confidently projecting her inner strength and powers with a degree of calculated finesse as a mesmerizing concentration of pure energy is collected inwards on the recipient of the spell. Soraka now looks a lot taller than before as well. Riot Games, thank you for making my favorite champion ever in League of Legends into the most gorgeous one on the roster. I hope that we get to see more of these visual upgrades in the future.
You are no Starchild, Soraka. You are the Star!


BloodyFuneral said...

I clearly remember that when I just started to play this game, I never liked to lane with Soraka, because I didn't know what she is actually capable of.

However since one point of my LOL journey, Soraka has become one of my favourite supports. Whenever people ask me "I'll support, but what preference do you have?" My answer is always always:

Janna Sona Soraka!

BloodyFuneral said...

Just added you on my PSN friend list, please accept my request :P

lol I looked through your trophy collection, and the only game we have a lot of overlap is GOW3(sorry to mention it again), and the funny thing is, our trophies's time stamps are quite similar, and I beat the game only 3 minutes earlier than you. What a coincidence.