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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Oh! My Beautiful Starchild!

When I logged on to the game client for League of Legends on the Personal Computer today, I couldn't believe my eyes... Soraka who has the ugliest - no, let me rephrase that - the absolute nastiest and infinitely ugliest character model in the game is finally receiving a visual upgrade! There is no set date but I have a feeling that it will be on the next patch because everything looks like it's ready! Her alternate skins will also get revamped so I am sure she's going to look stunning with that Divine Soraka skin that I have unlocked not too long ago. I haven't been playing Soraka in a long while... But when this happens, it's going to be all Soraka all the time. Oh enemy team, you will be so annoyed by me! Thank you Riot Games, you guys are certainly the best!
Goodbye old Soraka. Your ugliness will not be missed.


BloodyFuneral said...

So who's your favourite support, Loner?

I laned with you and I think you actually play Janna well. Can you also play Soraka?

Lane with me using Soraka next time :P, when her new model is on.

Loner Gamer said...

Soraka is my favorite champion in the game period. I do love playing Janna but I'd say I have the most fun supporting a lane with Karma.

BloodyFuneral said...

Hmm..so who is your favourite ADC to support as a support?

Loner Gamer said...

That never matters to me. I'll support whoever my lane partner is comfortable playing.