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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Berries vs. Games?

What is the best way to get into a gamer's heart? I hate to sound shallow but it's through video game products, more specifically video game titles. No gaming apparels please... I have suffered enough from those. Yes, the best way to show love and appreciate to a gamer is typically by getting him or her more games: We can never have enough of them. Still, the spouse knows how to play this game very well and sometimes, it's not through gaming whatsoever.
As I have mentioned before, the spouse has been in New York since the beginning of this month. Yes, we are talking about close to three weeks of torture here. The tentative return date is set for this Sunday and of course there was no flight available except for the one that would arrive here at midnight, oh joy. Well today, I receive this large package from Shari's Berries and the first thing I did was call the spouse and ask what I should do with the thing. The spouse asked if I have read the card and I said there was no card outside of the box so I opened it and found a cute little note that said:
The spouse knows how to keep it simple and sweet.
And I sounded annoyed too when I called so I felt like a jerk. The package contained 6 chocolate covered strawberries and a cheesecake trio. I really dig strawberries so I gobbled them up pretty quickly - oh my galaxy they are delicious - and my favorite desserts of all time is indeed cheesecake but the one that I have tasted so far was not as good as the strawberries.
Those white ones were to die for.
So yeah, games make me happy but something this unexpected makes me happier. Thank you hun for the surprise gift. I look forward to seeing you home safe this Sunday - or is that early Monday morning?

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