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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

SingStar - Now with Video Editor

If you are a SingStar fan, you are going to love the free Video Editor that can now be downloaded from the game's online store. With this application installed, your PlayStation Eye Camera will record videos for the full length of the song that you can then choose to save to your hard drive - be careful with this option though because you may regret it at a later time: you may accidentally play it during a karaoke party. Though you cannot upload this complete video to your online profile, you can choose the standard 30-second snippet from that video to be uploaded. This is great because now, everyone can choose their own unique 30-second clip from anywhere within the song instead of the predetermined part of that song. Better still, you can add special effects to the video to add more cheese to the whole occasion. The SingStar experience is getting better and better - all we need now are just some good songs being available for us to purchase from the online store. The current selections leave a lot to be desired.

Deeper Shade of Blue is a really catchy song.

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