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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Borderlands Patch 1.01 Test

Gearbox Software had released Patch 1.01 for the Personal Computer version of Borderlands on November 16th. I haven't played the game in a while - thanks to Dragon Age: Origins - so I haven't patched the game until today. Like many other unlucky gamers, I have been a victim of the game-breaking random crashes while playing this game, an issue that I was able to resolve using RivaTuner to manually adjust my fan speed setting for my Nvidia 9800 GTX. Before I patched up the game, I looked about the game's official forum and saw that there are still people who are having problems with crashes after the patch. The patch notes in itself doesn't address a fix for the crashing so I didn't anticipate the much-needed elimination of that problem. Yet, lo and behold, I played the game for one straight hour with the fan speed set at the default manufacturer setting and the game didn't crash! So for those who have to manually adjust their fan speed every time they decide to play the game, this patch may fix that issue for you as well! Good job, Gearbox Software. Now, please work on announcing the game's expansion, The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned for the PC. This expansion is supposed to hit the consoles today. PC gamers love to kill zombies too, you know?

Update Note: 8:47pm - Bad news. The performance from this morning was definitely a fluke. I was only able to get through the first 40 minutes before the whole game froze up and I had to do a hard reset. Looks like I have to go back to the fan speed method to keep this game stable. The patch also brought about some problems with the real time shadows - sometimes, they are out of whack. You will notice it on the title screen but refreshing the screen resolution will correct the issue. Sigh. Hope everything will be resolved with the next patch I suppose.

Patched but still not enough for a lot of us.

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