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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Steam Big Picture: Sneaky Release!

The Steam innovation continues. Total domination to follow.
So apparently I missed the whole announcement that the beta for Steam Big Picture mode for the Steam client has been released yesterday. I was about ready to go to bed and call it a night when I saw the announcement and I was like..."Must... Try... Now!". Though I don't buy the whole overwrought claim that bringing your Personal Computer gaming experience into the living room was not possible before - you ALWAYS have the option to connect your PC to modern high definition displays and I have been doing it for a long time - the Steam Big Picture does bring with it a sleek new game controller-inspired interface that will raise the awareness of the connection between big screen and PC gaming. You can still use this interface if you are just playing PC games on your computer monitor and it helps that switching between modes is an instantaneous process.

It's the Steam you love. Only more delicious if that is even possible.

The new interface is tons better than those you find on the consoles because it is wicked fast and responsive. Though things are easier with just the keyboard and mouse, using the controller with both browsing the Steam client and the internal Internet browser is preferable in this mode. Everything also looks bigger in this mode to accommodate staring at everything from a distance, something that can be quite a struggle for me when I use my PC on a day to day basis in my Game Room. Perhaps Steam should just adopt this new interface as a default because it's very attractive and fast. That wouldn't happen anytime soon however because the new Steam Community content didn't get a proper implementation into this mode and there are still very many web-based pages found here. In the meantime, this new release is another indication that Steam is truly the future of gaming. Steam is my number one priority in gaming these days and it should be yours as well. PC gaming is not dying. Not even close because as a matter of fact, it's at the top of the food chain.
What a genius way to input text using the controller.
Watch as Microsoft and Sony rush to adopt this for their consoles shortly.

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