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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Steam Community Update Beta Loving

Who knew that I was one of the first 50,000 Steam users who obtained the "Pillar of the Community" badge that was introduced with the last Steam Summer Sale and who knew that Valve was going to use that criteria to provide initial beta keys for their Steam Community Update beta? I feel like such a lucky bastard and I am definitely enjoying all these community improvements which you can read about by clicking here. In a  nutshell, the update focuses on accomplishing two things - to infuse community contents as well as to improve community involvement in all facets of the Steam client functionalities. It's like the people at Valve want us to celebrate our love for gaming to the fullest by making it very easy to become a contributing part of the entire Steam community with something as simple as taking in-game screenshots, only to be able to see the results being magnified to an epic level of proportion both on an individual level when you access your screenshot library - now in a beautiful new layout - or all of the community screenshots that are now accessible from the game hubs of every single game titles in Steam. The idea behind such integration is such a simple one but it's a highly enjoyable endeavor that empowers every visit you made to the Steam client. Overall, I am very satisfied with this update and it is certainly going to improve the Steam user experience. I do want to note however that even though it's nice to be able create group discussions for your Steam group, it's strange that the ability to schedule recurring events is still not there. Oh well, at least now you can actually nickname your friends, especially when they have annoying profile names...

Go screenshot crazy for yourself and the community!

The group screen no longer looks like an afterthought during a hangover.

Be bold and create discussions for your favorite and hated games!

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