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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Xenoblade: The GameStop Story

For fans of the Nintendo Wii, yesterday was an important day because of the release of the game that almost didn't make it to North America: Xenoblade Chronicles by Monolith Soft. While eating out in a restaurant last night, I shared my frustration in regards to the game with the spouse. I hated the fact that Nintendo was so unsure about the game that they ended up selling the game exclusively from GameStop and I am not a fan of that place whatsoever. The spouse offered to get me the game because it was priced higher than my price sweet spot but there was a catch. The spouse didn't want to order it from the Nintendo online store and wanted to take me to a GameStop instead. It had been ages since I last stepped into one of these stores and it was apparent that the spouse was poking fun at me because my displeasure about GameStop is very well known between the two of us.

Once we arrived, I was approached by two young female employees who greeted me like I just stepped into a Hooters restaurant. There was a male staff who was doing something in the back but I got the new strategy here: This GameStop is apparently selling a bit of sex to score an easy victory over their typical customers. I asked them if they have Xenoblade Chronicles on sale and one of the girls said "Oh Xenosaga Chronicles?" and said that they do and instructed the other girl to get it from the cabinet behind her. While ringing it up for me, the girl  tried to sell me the "PowerUp Rewards Card", which is fine because that is what she's supposed to do. Then, perhaps noticing our wedding rings, she explained that "moms usually love this card", referring to the premium paid membership. Not sure why she would even mention that, it's not like we brought any kids with us. I didn't buy the membership of course since I don't plan on shopping at a GameStop ever again. Then, as she was placing the game into a plastic bag, she told me that she hoped that I will be having fun with the game and that she never heard of the game before. It would have been better if she didn't say anything. The spouse just smiled at me as we stepped out of the store, satisfied with the torture that was just inflicted mercilessly upon me. When I registered the game on Club Nintendo, I wrote the following:

I sure hope that you take this seriously, Nintendo.

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