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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Notebook II: A Goodbye Kiss

I have been using this small black notebook to jot down my gaming activities for such a long time. It becomes a part of my daily life and a compelling necessity to my gaming habits. But today, I have made the determination to leave it behind. I just realized that there may be a better, more convenient way to keep track my daily gaming for my Daily Game Log entries by using my iPad 2:

Technology always wins.

What inspired me to make this dramatic change? Well, my iPad has a nice, permanent spot on the small gaming table and I want to clear out some space on the surface of redundant things. I will not be destroying the notebook however. It will be kept safe somewhere and it would be a relic I could revisit and cherish many, many years from now. Thank you for the many years of service.

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